

The European exchange project SINIPARKSI aims to make contemporary dance accessible to as many population groups as possible while consciously embracing the cultural diversity of people living in Europe. In order to do justice to this aspiration in dance projects, there is a need for further training opportunities for choreographers and dance teachers on how to deal with heterogeneity in dance. Through the exchange of four European dance institutions, such a support program is to be developed and made publicly accessible. 

Four European dance companies and dance schools from France, Greece, Germany and Croatia will exchange ideas about the potential, practices and challenges of cultural diversity in dance projects. The choreographers from the four participating institutions consciously test their artistic and pedagogical practice in cultural contexts other than the ones they are familiar with and accept the challenge of creating together with people with or without previous dance experience. The knowledge gained will be shared with other choreographers in the form of a "training kit", i.e. a written pedagogical guide and a video tutorial. 

Our aim is to promote the development and dissemination of participatory artistic projects that respect the cultural rights of Europeans. Cultural rights are part of human rights and protect the identity, language and traditions of a cultural community and its expression without discrimination or coercion. They also call for cultural participation for all.

SINIPARKSI is a Creative Europe project of dance education in cooperation with partners in Greece, France and Croatia. Siniparksi is Greek (συνύπαρξη) and means living together or coexistence.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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